Mendenhall Family History

Tenth Generation

1024. Thomas Mildenhall was born in 1630 in Marridge Hill, Mildenhall, WIltshire, England. He died on 30 Jun 1682 in Somerset House, London, London, England. He was buried on 5 Jul 1682. He married Joan Stroads on 12 Aug 1649 in , Aldbourne, WIltshire, England. [Parents]
Postcard of Mildenhall England

Sources of information:
1. "Our Branch of the Mendenhall Tree," as researched by Ruth Mendenhall Kornitz, 1951-1966; LDS Genealogical Society Fiche #:6018814.
2. "Mendenhall family history," Henry Edwin; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1321258, item 3.
3. William Mendenhall Genealogy, 1778-1853; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1016937, item 15.
4. Ancestral File Number: 2CLG-BB
5. Ancestral File Number: 9JX3-BF
6. "Manuscript of the Mendenhall Family Tree," compiled 29 July 1974 by Richard Eugene White, Jr., 402 North 10th, Rawlins, Wyoming 83201
7. [MargrafJM.FTW]
8. Research of Kurt Otto Shelle, Jr

Source # 1, The earliest records of the Mendenhall/Mildenhall family are found in all source material of genealogy in England. These records place the family in Wiltshire, under royal favor, until after the Battle of Tewesbury. From this time the family fortunes waned until there was just a remnant left at Mildenhall, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, England.
Source # 3 says he was a Quaker.
Source # 4, Birth: 1620/1633; Death: 30 June 1682, Somerset House, London, London, England; Buried: 30 Jun 1682; Married: 12 Aug 1649, Aldbourne, Wiltshire, England
Source # 5, Birth: 1633; Chr.: Marridgehill, Wiltshire, England; Death: 1682, Ramsbury, Wiltshire, England; Buried: 5 May 1682; Married: 12 Aug 1656, Aldbourne, Wilts.
Source # 5, Death: 5 May 1682, England; Married: 1633, Marridge Hill, had nine children.
Source 7: Thomas lived near Marridge Hill and Mildenhall, England. The Mendenhalls came from the County of Wiltshire, England, where the ancestors of the American branches apparently lived in or near MarridgeHill, near the borough of Mildenhall, which was the earlier name of the family. In the late 1800's Mildenhall a county place of ten to a dozen thatched roofed houses. During the contests of The House of York and Lancaster, that deluged England, the inhabitants of Wiltshire were conspicuously on Henries side and a great number of them were slain at the battle of Tewkesburg fought in 1471. Ten years prior, 1461, the battle of Towton in Yorkshire was fought, where the Lancastrians were defeated and by order of Edward IV slain. 38,000 people died and the lives of 80 princes and nearly all the ancient nobility were killed. Much of the nobility resided in Wiltshire. No one knows what the Wiltshire Mildenhalls went through. Perhaps the manor of Mildenhall was confiscated, the principles slain and the minor branches and their descendants left. The estate and Marridge Hill might have been a remnant of the ancient family holdings. For some centuries there have been families of the name of Mildenhall residing in the towns and villages of Wiltshire, chiefly tradesmen, farmers and inn-keepers and which it is presumed were descendants of the ancient stock.
Source 7: The following is the will of Thomas Mendenhall (written Mildenhall) From Wills and Administrations at Somerset House, Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Vol. 371, cottle Vol. 3, 1682, folio 135. Special note: In the probate paragraph the date appeared to be 24 Nov 1708. Pages were stained in places. All names have been typed in capital letters so they may be easily located. Submitted by Dan McEver, transcribed at Salt Lake City. 30 June 1682 Thomas Mildenhall of Maridge in parish of Ramsbury, Wilts, yeo, being aged and weak in body, etc. To eldest son THOMAS MILDENHALL of West Hundred in the county of Berkshire all manner of Thenth and Tythes of what sort so ever being and growing out of that messuage and tenement with the appurtenances here unto belonging which I now dwell in and is in my possession which I lately purchased of Henry Powle Esq and others; Item, I give and devise unto my sonne JOHN MILDENHALL and his heirs forever the fee simple of all that cottage and . . gardens in Maridge purchased of Thomas Stockbridge and one close of land or pasture by 5A or there abouts be it more or less lying in Marridge heath which I lately purchased of Nathaniel Stoneham, also all that close of are able pasture round heretofore parcell of grat Rashlett Coppice in parish of Ramsbury . . 7A and halfe and all the tenths and tithes the said 7A and half of ar able or pasture ground for and towards his better preferment in marriage and for his marriage portion. And upon this condition never the less that he the said JOHN MILDENHALL shall and will pay or cause to be paid to his brother BENJAMIN MILDENHALL the summe of (pound symbol) 40 lawful money of England at such time as the said premises before given shall come be in his now possession. All which premises by me given unto my said sonne JOHN I lately purchased of said Henry Powle Esq and others. Items I give and devise unto my son STEPHEN MILDENHALL all that messuage or tenement and two . . of arrable land in Heath in parish of Chilton Folliott, Wilts, 30A with the appurtenances during the time of the lease thereof to me granted by John Parker wf Jane, upon condition nevertheless that he the said STEPHEN MILDENHALL his execrs and assignes shall and will yearly and every year pay unto his bro MOSES MILDENHALL (pound symbol)5 p annum out of the said premises where he the said STEPHEN shall come to enjoy the same dureing the remainder or terme of the said lease. I give and bequeath to my dau MARY (pound symbol) 4 score one year decease. To dau MARGERY wf of Thomas Martin of Bedwin Magna 40 shillings. To dau JOANE wf of John Spier one shilling. And my will and meaning is that the said messuages lands tenements and premises herein before by me given and bequeathed to my said sonnes JOHN and STEPHEN shall remain and be in the possession of my now WF JOANE MILDENHALL during her natural life. And my will and meaning further is that in case there shall happen to be any losse or damage in recoverie or getting in of my debts and estate which shall be due and owing at the time of my decease, that my executors herein after named and such of my children and legatees afore said shall be his hers or their equal part and portion in the lott thereof out of thier respective legacies and portions as to my overseers herein after named shall think meete and convenient. Item I give and devise unto my son MOSES the inheritance of that house and land in possession of Thomas Ellaway in or around the parish of Marridge afore said and which I lately purchased of Nichoals George of Whittenndish together with all the writings of the same premises which I order shall be delivered to my said son MOSES in a weeks time after my decease if he demands them. Rest to wife who is sole executor. I do give to each of them for their care herein 5 shillings.

Source 8: His family moved to America to continue their Quaker beliefs and changed their name for an unknown reason to Mendenhall from Mildenhall. The town of Mildenhall still exists in England and can still be found on maps.

1025. Joan Stroads was born in 1634 in Mildenhall, WIltshire, England. She died in 1682/1683 in Marridge Hill, Ramsbury Parish, Wiltshire or Mildenhall, England. She was buried in Ramsbury,Wiltshire,England. [These are probably Joan's Parents] [A second set of possible Parents]

Sources of information:
1. "Our Branch of the Mendenhall Tree," as researched by Ruth Mendenhall Kornitz, 1951-1966; LDS Genealogical Society Fiche #:6018814.
2. "Mendenhall family history," Henry Edwin; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1321258, item 3.
3. William Mendenhall Genealogy, 1778-1853; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1016937, item 15.
4. Ancestral File Number: 9CLG-CH
5. Ancestral File Number: 9JX3-FX
6. "Manuscript of the Mendenhall Family Tree," compiled 29 July 1974 by Richard Eugene White, Jr., 402 North 10th, Rawlins, Wyoming 83201
7. [MargrafJM.FTW]
8. Research of Raymond L. Maris

Source 1: "The earliest records of the Mendenhall/Mildenhall family are found in all source material of genealogy in England. These records place the family in Wiltshire, under royal favor, until after the Battle of Tewesbury. From this time the family fortunes waned until there was just a remnant left at Mildenhall, near Marlborough, Wiltshire, England."
Source 5: Married: 1633, Marridge Hill, England, had nine children Born: 1613
Source 7: One source lists Jone Stroud's parents as Anthony Stroud and Margery(Unknown).

They had the following children:
M 1. Moracry Mendenhall was born about 1653.
F 2. Marjorie Mildenhall was born in 1655. She died in 1742.
M 3. Thomas Mildenhall was born about 1656/1657. He died in 1732.
M 4. John Mendenhall was born on 30 Aug 1659. He died on 19 Aug 1743.
M 5. Benjamin Mendenhall was born on 14 Apr 1662. He died in Feb 1740.
F 6. Mary Mendenhall was born in 1663. She died in 1741.
M 7. George Mildenhall was born on 21 Mar 1664 in Marridge Hill, Ramsbury, WIltshire, England. He died on 2 Feb 1724.
M 8. Stephen Mildenhall was born on 21 Aug 1664 in , Marridge Hill, WIltshire, England. He died on 2 Apr 1724.
M 9. Moses Mendenhall was born on 24 Apr 1666. He died in 1738.
M 10. Aaron Mildenhall was born on 14 Sep 1669.
F 11. Joan Mildenhall was born in 1671.

1026. George Maris was born on 2 Dec 1632 in Inkborough, Worchestershire, England. He died on 15 Nov 1705 in Springfield, Chester, Pennsylvania. He married Alice Wilsmith in 1659 in England. [Parents]

Sources of information:
1. William Mendenhall Genealogy, 1778-1853; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1016937, item 15.
2. Ancestral File Number: G952-5Q
3. Dan McEver, Pierson family web site, 1999.
4. Broderbund Family Archive #354, Ed. 1, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, Date of Import: Apr 25, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.354.1.62787.4
5. Balderston, Marion. "Pennsylvania's 1683 Ships and Some of Their Passengers." In The Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, vol. 24:2 (1965),pp. 69-114.
6. Broderbund Family Archive #354, Ed. 1, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, Date of Import: Apr 25, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.354.1.62787.5
7. Sheppard, Walter Lee, Jr., compiler and editor. Passengers and Ships prior to 1684. (Publications of the Welcome Society of Pennsylvania, 1.)Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1970. 245p. Reprinted by Heritage Books, Bowie, MD, 1985.
8. Broderbund Family Archive #354, Ed. 1, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, Date of Import: Apr 25, 1999, Internal Ref. #1.354.1.62787.6
9. Virkus, Frederick A., editor. Immigrant Ancestors: A List of 2,500 Immigrants to America before 1750. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1964. 75p. Repr. 1986.

Source 1: George Maris, of Springfield township. page 25, George Maris emigrated from the parish of Inkborough, in the county of Worcester, England, in 1683, with his wife Alice, and several children. On his arrival, he appears to have tarried with the Friends that had arrived the year before and settled at Darby; but he soon located a large tract of land in Springfield township whereon he settled, and named it "The Home House." He was among the most eminent of the public Friends that came over with the first settlers, and was so esteemed in his native country where meetings had been held at his house, and where he had suffered by fines and imprisonment. His certificate, which is recorded at Darby, says, `He hath adorned the gospel of Christ.' He held many public trusts, was a justice of the peace, one of the judges of the court, and on several occasions was chosen a member of the Provincial Assembly. He was one of those who signed the testimony against Geo. Keith.
The descendants of this worthy patriarch are numerous. Those bearing his name in this county, Chester county, and the city of Philadelphia, are probably all descendants from him. His death occured in 1703, at the age of seventy-three years, his wife having died nearly four years earlier.
Source 2: Born: O.,, England
Spouces name sometimes spelled Wilsmith or Wellsmith
Source 3: George Maris is listed on the register of passengers on the Bristol Comfort Ship from 1683. Source: "Pennsylvania's 1683 Ships, and Some of their Passengers" by the Pennsylvania Genealogy Magazine, Vol 24:2,1965. A Thomas Pierson is also listed on board.
Here is what is listed as George Maris' luggage on the ship:
"10 doz. dressed calf skins; 1 qtr. malt; 3 1/2 qtrs. wheat; 3 bushels oatmeal; 90 lbs shoes; 1/2 cwt. pewter; cwt. brass manufactured; 2 flitches bacon; 20 cwt. wroght iron; 6 doz. woolen stockings; 10 cwt. cheese; 1 bbl. beer; 3 doz. plain sheepskin gloves; 1 1/2 firkins buter;33 yds. flannel; 11 pcs. English earthware; 1/15 hhd. aquavita; 1 1/4cwt. lead shot; 1/4 cwt gunpowder; 20 ells English linen; 10 parcels several wares value 18 pounds 10s".
Aquavita: Latin for "water of life" Spiritous liquor, especially brandy.
Source 4: Individual: George Maris; Place: Pennsylvania; Year: 1683; Primary Individual: Maris, George; Family Members: Child George; Wife Alice; Child John; Child Richard;Child Anna; Child Alice; Child Elizabeth
Source 5: Source Annotation: List of 21 ships arriving between 1682 and 1684 at Philadelphia and the Delaware Bay (p. 110). Also in no. 8370, Sheppard.
Source 6: Page #: 84; Individual: George Maris; Place: Pennsylvania; Year: 1683; Primary Individual: Maris, George; Family Members: Wife Alice; Child John; Child Richard; Child Alice; Child Elizabeth; Child George; Child Anna
Source 7: Source Annotation: This excellent work contains over 3,000 names and an index to vessels. Reprints the following articles with corrections, additions, and new materials: "The Real Welcome Passengers," by Marion Balderston (no. 242)pp. 1-26; "Pennsylvania's 1683 Ships," (no. 236), pp. 75-120; "William Penn's Twenty-Three Ships," (no. 248) pp. 27-69; "Early Shipping tthe Jerseyey Shore of the Delaware," by Sheppard and Balderston (no. 8390) pp.135-138; "The Philadelphia and Bucks County Registers of Arrivals, "compared, corrected, and re-transcribed by Roach (no. 7585) pp. 159-175,from Futhey and Cope, no. 2313, and Battle, no. 418. Includes "The Names of the Early Settlers of Darby Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania,"by Bunting (no. 1018) pp. 179-185; "The Sailing of the Ship Submission inthe Year 1682," by Dickson (no. 1587); "The First Purchasers of Pennsylvania," by Roach (no. 7570) pp. 195-208. Also includes "Digest of Ship and Passenger Arrivals in the Delaware" by Sheppard, pp. 121-126.
Source 8: Page #: 90; Individual: George Maris; Place: Pennsylvania; Year: 1683; Primary Individual: Maris, George
Source 9: Source Annotation: In the years from 1925 to 1942, Frederick A. Virkus edited seven volumes with the title, The Abridged Compendium of American Genealogy, published in Chicago by the Institute of American Genealogy. Each volume has a section in the main body of the work, complete in itself, entitled"Immigrant Ancestors," containing much genealogical information: vol. 1,pp. 965-997; vol. 2, pp. 387-421; vol. 3, pp. 645-692; vol. 4, pp.727-777; vol. 5, pp. 741-793; vol. 6, pp. 749-819; vol. 7, pp. 825-895 .The section in vol. 7 appears to be the most complete and it has been reprinted. Thus that 1964 reprint list is the only one appearing in no. 2048, Filby, Passenger and Immigration Lists Index. The Virkus work supplies facts on birth, ancestry, time and place of arrival on this continent, marriage, and death of each immigrant that it includes. A more complete list of immigrants to America before 1750 whose surnames begin with the letter A or the letter B through "Battles" is contained in the material listed in item no

1027. Alice Wilsmith was born on 16 Jan 1631/1632 in Inkborough, Worcester, England. She died on 11 Mar 1699/1700 in Springfield, Chester, Pennsylvania.

Sources of information:
1. William Mendenhall Genealogy, 1778-1853; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1016937, item 15.
2. Ancestral File Number: G952-6W

Source 3: Name: Alice (Wilsmith) Wellsmith

They had the following children:
F 1. Alice Maris was born on 17 Aug 1660 in Grafton Flyford, Worcestershire, England. She was buried on 10 Dec 1726.
M 2. George Maris was born on 2 Oct 1662. He died in 1753.
F 3. Elizabeth Maris was born on 3 Apr 1665. She died in 1708.
F 4. Ann Maris was born on 18 Aug 1667.
M 5. John Maris was born on 21 Mar 1669. He died on 8 Mar 1747.
M 6. Richard Maris was born on 20 Sep 1672. He died in 1745.
F 7. Susannah Maris was born about 1675 in , Chester, Pennsylvania.

1028. Robert Pierson was born in 1634 in England. He died on 23 May 1674. He married Susanna about 1647 in England.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: FM5Z-B0
2. Ancestral File Number: KMOZ-3D

Source 1: Surname: Pierson (Pearson)
Source 2: Birth: Abt 1627, Pownell Fee, C, England

1029. Susanna was born in 1638 in England.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: FM5Z-C5

They had the following child:
M 1. Thomas Pierson was born in 1661 in Ireland. He died 29 Sep 1722 in East Caln, Chester, Pennsylvania.

1030. Henry Dixon was born about 1633 in Ireland. He died after 1680 in New Castle county, Delaware. He married Rose about 1558 in Ireland.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: FM5Z-BM
2. International Genealogical Index
3. Research of Raymond L. Maris

Source 1: Birth [1633]

Question on year of birth or perhaps year of marriage.

1031. Rose was born about 1637 in Ireland. She died after 1671 in New Castle county, Delaware.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: FM5Z-9S

They had the following children:
M 1. William Dixon was born about 1656 in Ireland. She died in New Castle county, Delaware.
F 2. Dinah Dixon was born about 1659 in Ireland. She died in New Castle county, Delaware.
F 3. Rose Dixon was born in 1661 in New Castle county, Delaware. She died 29 Sep 1722 in East Caln, Chester, Pennsylvania.

1032. Thomas Beeson was born in 1634 in Thuristington, England. He died after 1650 in England. He married Ann about 1659 in of Lancaster, Lancashire, England.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: CK7X-WR

1033. Ann was born in 1638 in England. She died after 1650 in Lancashire, England.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: CK7X-XX
3. Margraf J M

They had the following child:
M 1. Edward Beeson was born in 1660 in Lancaster, Lancaster, England. He died 20 Oct 1712 in Chester county, Pennsylvania. He was buried in 1712.

1034. Isaac Pennington was born in 1616 in Chalfont, St. Giles, Bucks, England. He died on 18 Sep 1682 in Bucks, Pennsylvania. He married Mary Proude about 1654 in London, London, England. [Parents]

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: FS8F-H9
2. International Genealogical Index

Source 1: Question that Isaac and spouse Mary Proude both died same day, one in England, one in Pennsylvania

1035. Mary Proude was born in 1624 in Chalfont, St. Giles, Buckinghamshire, England. She died on 18 Sep 1682 in Chalfont, St. Giles, Bucks, England. She was buried in England. [Parents]

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: FS8F-JG
2. International Genealogical Index

Source 1: Question that Mary and spouse Isaac Pennington both died same day one in England, one in Pennsylvania

They had the following children:
M 1. John Pennington was born about 1655 in London, London, England. He died 8 May 1710.
F 2. Mary Pennington was born 10 Feb 1657 in London, London, England.
M 3. Ned Pennington was born about 1661 in Amersham, Bckshr, England.
F 4. Rachel Pennington was born 11 Nov 1662 in London, London, England. She died Mar 1713 in New Castle county, Pennsylvania.
M 5. Isaac Pennington was born about 1663 in London, London, England.
M 6. William Pennington was born 3 Aug 1665 in Chalfont, St. Giles,Bckshr, England. He died 5 may 1703.
M 7. Edward Pennington was born 3 Sep 1669 in Chalfont, St. Giles,Bckshr, England. He died 11 Nov 1710 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

1036. John Henry Grubb was born in 1610 or 1617 in Bedford, Bedfordshire, England or Stoke, Climsland, Cornwall, England. He died in 1667 in Potterne, Devizes, Wiltshire, England. He married Helen Vivian in 1628 or 1655 in Cornwall,England. [Parents]

Sources of Information:
2. [MargrafJM.FTW]

Source 2: A Genealogy of the Beeson-Beason Family by Henry Hart Beeson,1968, p.7. "John Grubb was a royalist and adherant of the Church of England during the time of Cromwell."

1037. Helen Vivian was born in 1614 in Stoke Climsland, Cornwall, England. She died in 1668 or 1719 in Cornwall,England.

Sources of Information:

They had the following child:
M 1. John Grubb was born 20 Apr 1652 in Truro, Cornwall, England. He died between 12 Feb 1706 or 1707 and 10 Mar 1707 or 1708 in Marcus Hook, Chester, Pennsylvania. He was buried at St. Martin's Church Cemetery in Marcus Hook, Chester, Pennsylvania.

1038. Sir Henry Vane was born in 1612 or 1613. He died on 14 Jul 1662 in London, England. He married Frances Wray on 1 Jul 1640 in St. Mary's, Lambeth, England. [Parents]

Sources of Information:

1039. Frances Wray was born in 1604 or 1629. She died in 1679. [Parents]

Sources of Information:

They had the following child:
F 1. Frances Vane was born between 1641 and 1660 in Kent, England. She died in 1720.

1056. Juliana was born about 1598 in Kent, England. She died in Apr 1632 in Orpington, Kent, England.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: L8VG-KP

She had the following child:
M 1. Thomas Thomas was born in 1629 in Kent, England. He died 22 May 1686 in Talbot county, Maryland.

1058. Henry Coursey was born in 1596.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: HM38-1D

He had the following child:
F 1. Anne Coursey was born about 1633 in Sundridge, Kent, England. She died in 1717 in Talbot county, Maryland.

1062. William Hemsley was born in Sundridge, Kent, England. He was christened in May 1615 in Otley, Yorkshire, England. He died in 1685 in Talbot county, Maryland. He married Judith in 1653 in Talbot county, Maryland. [Parents]

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: HM38-7F
3. Ancestral File Number: MQ5X-5D,

Source 1: Birth: 1633; after Christening Date
Source 2: Birth: 1633, no mother listed
Source 3: Born: abt 1615; A second father is listed as: (Capt) William Hemsley,

1063. Judith was born about 1635 in Kent, England. She died after 26 Feb 1684 or 1685 in Talbot county, Maryland.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: HM38-8L
2. Ancestral File Number: L5B7-ZX

Source 2: Gives name as: Mrs. Judith Hemsley

They had the following children:
F 1. Elizabeth Hemsley was born 1655 in Sundridge, Kent, England. She died about 1677 in Talbot County, Maryland.
F 2. Penelope Hemsley was born 7 Dec 1657 in Talbot county, Maryland.
F 3. Mattilda Hemsley was born 3 Mar 1659 in Kent county, Maryland.
M 4. William Hemsley was born 20 Mar 1662 in Kent county, Maryland. He died 6 Mar 1669 in Talbot county, Maryland.
M 5. Charles Hemsley was born 2 Dec 1665 in Kent county, Maryland. He died 22 Mar 1698 in Talbot county, Maryland.
M 6. Philemon Hemsley was born 23 Aug 1670 in Kent county, Maryland. He died 10 Nov 1719 in Talbot county, Maryland.
M 7. Vincent Hemsley was born 15 Oct 1672 in Kent county, Maryland.
F 8. Penelope Hemsley was born 16 Sep 1675 in Kent county, Maryland.
M 9. Thomas Hemsley was born in 1677 in Kent county, Maryland. He died in 1721 in Talbot county, Maryland.
M 10. Phillip Hemsley was born in 1679 in Kent county, Maryland. He died in 1722 in Talbot county, Maryland.

1066. Robert Knapp died about 1682 in Maryland. He married Eliza.

Sources of Information:
1. Research of Alycia Greathouse

Source 1: Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 1 pg. 105; Knapp, Robert, Talbot Co.,12th Aug. 1680, 22nd Apr., 1682; To grandson Robert Cloathier, son of lewis Cloathier, 50 A., "PoplarNeck", at 16 yrs of age. To granddaughter Mary Cloathier and Eliza:Cadmure, personalty (personal property); Wife Eliza:, execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal;plantation to uass to grandson Robert afsd. at her death.; Test: Michael Turbutt, Jno. Swayne. 2. 188.

1067. Eliza.

Sources of Information:
1. Research of Alycia Greathouse

They had the following child:
F 1. Susanna Knapp was born in 1658 in Talbot county, Maryland.

1068. Henry Kemp was born on 15 Jan 1609 in Kirkby, Fleetham, Yorkshire, England. He was christened on 15 Jan 1608 or 1609 in Kirkby Fleetham, Yorkshire, England. He married Elizabeth about 1648 in Kirkby Fleetham, Yorkshire, England. [Parents]

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: V5S4-NP

1069. Elizabeth was born in 1609 in Kirkby Fleetham, Yorkshire, England. She died in Jan 1657 or 1658. She was buried in Jan 1656 or 1657.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: V5S0-4D

They had the following children:
M 1. Robert Kemp was born 14 Oct 1649 in Kerkby Fleetham, Yorkshire, England. He died 30 Oct 1702 in Talbot county Maryland.
M 2. Henry Kemp was born about 1651 in Kerkby Fleetham, Yorkshire, England.
M 3. Thomas Kemp was born 23 Feb 1652 in Kerkby Fleetham, Yorkshire, England.

1070. Edmund Webb was born about 1631 in of Bolton, Baltimore, Maryland. He died in Jan 1684 or 1685 in Talbot county, Maryland. He married Elizabeth in 1656 in Bolton, Baltimore, Maryland. [Parents]

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: HM38-FG
2. From Maryland Archives Will Book 4, Pages 206-207:

Source 2: Will of Edmund Webb
In the name of God Amen, I Edmond Web of Talbot County in the province of Maryland cooper being sick ??? God I do hereby make this my last willand testamentt in manner and form following revoking all other willsformerly byy me made ?? a?oint this ???? and do settle my temporal affairsas followethh: First I committ ??? my body to the early to bedecently buriedd as my executors hereafter named ? shall think fit. Secondlymy willl is that all my just debts be satisfied by my executorshereafter namedd. Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Camp one hundred andsixty acress of land lying upon the bay? side? called by the name of B???ton ???a tract of land called ????? End. I give unto her and herheirs foreverr. I give unto my daughter Mary Webb ??? comes to ??? bymy Executorss hereafter nominated att her day of marriage or att ye ageof sixteenn. I give unto my sonns Edmund and William Webb myplantation whichh I now live upon to be equally divided between them but in caseone off them dye and leaves noe heirs of their own body my will and desireis thatt the longest ??? in case both dye and leave noe issue of their own bodys then my will is that my daughter Elizabeth Camp may ??? ill that and her heyers forever. All the rest of my estate wheather houses goods hoggs cattills horses or mares or hores??? or bittsB?? or ???? after all my ust debts and legacy ??? I give unto my sonns Edmond and William Webb. IN ??? ??? of this my last will and testament I doe appoint my ??????? executors ?? ??? this my last will and testament performed ??? ??? I have hereunto sett my hand and seale this the eleventh day of November inthe year of our Lord God.
Signed sealed in the presence of George Callison
Edmond Webb (seal)
her Elizabeth? x Harkin?? mark
her Ann A Clayton mark
George Callison and Elizabeth Harkin??? and Anne Clayton made ??? ????Edmond Webb ??? to sign seale and deliver this as his will and testament. James Murphy
John ??? and John Power? took the oath of appraisers of the said estate of Edmond Webb to ??? ??? ?? this ?? day of Ja. 1645. J??? C?? ?? James Murphy
William Webb of Talbot County took his oath upon the Holy Evangelist Executor of this last will and testament hereunto annexed according to the tinner? of the oath before me this first day of January 1685 ???? ???James Murphy

1071. Elizabeth was born about 1635 in of Bolton, Baltimore, Maryland.

Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: HM38-GM

They had the following children:
F 1. Elizabeth Webb was born about 1657 in Talbot county, Maryland. She died in 1711 in Talbot county, Maryland.
M 2. Edmond Webb was born about 1664 in Bolton, Baltimore, Maryland.
M 3. William Webb was born about 1667 in Bolton, Baltimore, Maryland.
F 2. Mary Webb was born about 1670 in Bolton, Baltimore, Maryland.

1072. Michael Clark was born about 1650 in Hanover,Virginia. He married Margaret.

Sources of Information:

1073. Margaret was born about 1650 in Hanover county, Virginia.


They had the following child:
M 1. Christopher Clark was born after 1645 in Hanover, Virginia.

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