256. John Mendenhall Junior was born on 3 Jun 1688 in Concord, Chester, Pennsylvania. He died in 1758 in , , Virginia. He married Susanna Pierson on 10 Aug 1709 in , Chester, Pennsylvania. [Parents]
Chester Meeting House, built in 1693
Map of Chester Pennsylvania, about 1700
Sources of information:
1. "Mendenhall family history," Henry Edwin; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1321258, item 3.
2. William Mendenhall Genealogy, 1778-1853; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1016937, item 15.
3. International Genealogical Index; Batch 8530830, sheet 5
4. Ancestral File Number:BSRC-ZV
5. Research of Raymond L. Maris, . Source Media Type: Book. Death Date: 1771
6. Research of Kurt Otto Shelle, Jr
7. International Genealogical Index; Batch 7833905, sheet 98
8. International Genealogical Index; Batch 9321512, sheet 79
9. International Genealogical Index; Batch 8491902, sheet 23
10. International Genealogical Index; Batch 7922607, sheet 78
11. International Genealogical Index; Batch 7913104, sheet 47
12. International Genealogical Index; Batch 7321512, sheet 79Source 1: John died when he was 76. He married Susannah when he was 21. They lived in Chester County, PA at East Caln (Downingtown area) until 1731, when they moved to Lancaster County. They were taxed in East Caln from 1715 to 1730. In 1747 they moved to Frederick County, VA and were members of Hopewell Monthly Meeting. John and Susanna of Caln Township sold land to Nathaniel Newlin on Sept. 14, 1727 and on May 4, 1728. They had purchased this land on May 3, 1713 from "Abraham Musgrove, Eldest son and heir at Law of Thomas Musgrovelate of Halifax in the County of Cork in the Kingdom of Great Britain, Clothier, deceased and David Price of Merion Township, in the Welsh tract, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania and his wife Hanah the widow and relict of Thomas Musgrove." On November 1730, John and Susanna sold the remaining part of this land to William Pim, witnessed by Thomas McClun.
Source 2: Removed to Lancaster County, Pa., and settled at Hopewell, Virginia about 1747.
Source 4: Mar.: 10 Oct 1709; B: 8 Nov 1881 SL; E: 17 Nov 1881 SL; SS: 30 Jan 1953 SL
Source 6: There is some evidence that John Jr. lived in Maryland and or Virginia for a period of time. Mordecai may have been born in Virginia. John Jr. spent his later years in Guilford Co., North Carolina. He moved therefrom Bradford Monthly Meeting, Pennsylvania about October 29, 1768.
Source 10: Mendinghall; Birth: 3 Apr 1688; B: 8 Nov 1881; E: 17 Nov 1881, SG; SP: 9 Aug 1894
257. Susanna Pierson was born about 1692 in East Calm, Chester, Pennsylvania. She died> on 30 Jun 1765 in Frederick,Virginia or Newark, New Castle, Delaware. [Parents]
Sources of information:
1. "Mendenhall family history," Henry Edwin; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1321258, item 3.
2. William Mendenhall Genealogy, 1778-1853; LDS Genealogical Society Film #1016937, item 15.
3. Research of great granddaughter.
4. Ancestral File Number: BSRD-01
5. MargrafJM.FTW
6. Research of Raymond L. Maris
!Source 4: Birth: Abt 1690/1691; SS: 9 Aug 1953, SLSource 5: Susannah died at the age of 74.
They had the following children:
M 1. Mordecai Mendenhall was born about 1710. He died on 3 Nov 1803.
F 2. Mary Mendenhall was born about 1710/1712.
M 3. John Mendenhall was born about 1714 in , Chester, Pennsylvania.
M 4. Moses Mendenhall was born about 1718.
M 5. Stephen Mendenhall was born on 19 Oct 1721. He died on 4 Feb 1779.
258. Richard Beeson was born in Oct 1684 in of W. Nottingham, , Pennsylvania. He died on 1 Jan 1777 in , Guilford, North Carolina. He married Charity Grubb on 24 Oct 1706 in , Chester, Pennsylvania. [Parents]
Sources of information:
1. Ancestral File
2. Ancestral File Number: D3N6-RG
3. [MargrafJM.FTW]; Hopewell Monthly Meeting Notes
4. Research of Raymond L. Maris
5. Ancestry.com.
6. Research of Raymond L. MarisSource 1: Father of Charity Beeson AFN: 4JV6-ZQ
Source 3: Richard Beeson and his wife Charity Grubb were very well-known and active members and missionaries of the Quaker church. Richard and Charity helped form Hopewell Meeting in Virginia and were among the earliest members of New Garden Meeting in Guilford Col, NC. They both remained in Guilford Co. until their deaths.
Source 3: Feb 24, 1736: Richard Sr. and wife and family granted certificate to Hopewell MM, Va. (by New Garden MM, PA). Oct 21, 1752: Richard and wife granted certificate to New Garden MM,N.C.
Source 3: In the area of the Hopewell Meeting: The Meeting House of Quaker Providence around present day Berkely County Highway 15 was erectedby 17411, but it is believed that the meetings were first held inRichard Beesonn's house by 1738. The cemetery for the meeting house wlocated indin the southwest corner of Richard Beeson Jr.'s 249-acre tract, #148A.On present day maps, it is located on the north side of BerkeCounty Highwayway 15 approximately one-half mile east of the Tuscaroro Churcnot the meeting house location). Providence meeting, which seems have been the same as Tuscarora, near Martinsburg, was officially established in 1738. The minutes of Chester Quarterly Meeting, under date of September 13, 1738, show that Hopewell Monthly Meeting presented the case of Friends living near or about Richard Beeson's, who requested the liberty of building a meeting-house for worship. Liberty was granted .On June 10, 1741, Hopewell was reported in the same quarterly meeting assaying that the Friends near and about Richard Beeson's had built a meeting-house, met there twice a week, and had a preparative meeting by themselves, they being a considerable distance from any other meeting. The request was allowed. Providence meeting was also known as Beeson's Meeting.
In 1758, under stress of the French and Indian War and fear of and Indian enemy, the attendance at Providence fell so low that the preparative meeting there was discontinued. The discontinuance was apparently first suggested or allowed by Hopewell Monthly Meeting,Providence being a branch of Hopewell, and soon recognized as necessary by Chester Quarterly Meeting. The latter was divided in November 1758 .IN this division Hopewell became part of Western Quarterly Meeting, whose minutes contain the following entry:
11 Mo. 20, 1758. It having been for weighty reasons recommended by the Quarterly Meeting from which we are divided that Providence Particular Meeting (in Virginia) should be discontinued, by an account now received from Hopewell Monthly Meeting we are informed that advice is complied with.Source 3: Richard Beeson was in Orange County, Virginia on the 11th day, December 1735 when hen attended the marriage of John Ross and Lydia Hollingsworthat their public meeting at Hopewell. Richard Sr. and wife Charity requested a certificate of removal from New Garden Monthly meeting to Hopewell on the 27th day of March 1736. At that time they were living in Leacock Township, Chester County, PA. John was in Orange County, VA by the 25th day of January 1737 as evidenced by a certificate from Gwyned Monthly Meeting in present-day Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. The journal of John Fothergill states that there was a meeting at Richard Beeson's home on September 18, 1736, called Providence Meeting at the time. This seems to suggest that Richard and Charity immediately removed to the Shenandoah Valley after leaving Pennsylvania.
Richard Beeson bought a 1,650 acre plot of land patent-dated 12 Nov 1735 for 70 pounds on Sept. 28, 1737 from George Robinson III. The tract was located on both sides of Tuscarora Creek (branch of Opequan Creek).From County Land Records Overseer of the 'Warm Springs Road' from the north Mt. to Opeq. Creek, Richard Beeson (Tract 148A). He became observer on 14 April. 1744. This road is from present day Martinsburg, WV to Flowing Springs Rd. (Jefferson County Hwy 17.)
Richard and Charity sold 249 acres of the 1,650-acre patent land to son Richard Beeson, Jr. for 20 pounds on Jan 6, 1744. (Tract 148A). They sold 300 acres from the same tract to son Edward Beeson for 20 pounds on Oct 8, 1743 and on January 6, 1744, they sold 226 acres to son Benjamin Beeson for 20 pounds.
Richard and Charity Beeson were received at New Garden MM in North Carolina on the 30th of November 1754. He had 55 acres surveyed on 29 October 1756 and received a grant from Granville on 17 August 1759 for his land which was located on the south side of Deep River opposite to Stephen Haworth in Rowan (then Guilford, now Randolph) County, North Carolina. Richard and Charity sold 325 acres of the 1,650 acre patent land to William Patterson for 200 pounds on 27 November 1758; they were in Rowan County, North Carolina at the time.
Richard Beeson's will, written 29 March 1775 and proved in 1788 in Randolph County, North Carolina, states that he was from Deep River in Guilford County, North Carolina and wills to his grandson Stepharias Haworth/Hayworth 200 acres of land I now live on. He left son Benjamin Beeson the east end and son Isaac Beeson the west end of the remainder of the tract. The remaining part of his Movable Estate shall be Equally Divided among all my children to wit--Benjamin, Isaac, Pheby, and Charity.
259. Charity Grubb was born on 29 Sep 1687 in Brandywine Hund., New Castle, Delaware. She died on 22 Nov 1761 in Guilford,Guilford,North Carolina or Randolph Co.,NC. [Parents]
Sources of information:
1. Ancestral File, listed as mother of Charity Beeson AFN: 4JV6-ZQ.
2. AFN: CQ8F-1N
3. AFN: D3N6-SM
4. International Genealogical Index
5. [MargrafJM.FTW]
6. Research of Raymond L. MarisSource 1: birth: Brandywine Hundred; death: 22/27 Nov 1761 surname: GRUBB
Source 2: Birth: [1694]
Source 5: Charity was noted for her lovely character, being kind and generous, a good mother and wife. Hopewell Monthly Meeting Notes:
A letter from Charity to her sister Phebe Grubb Hadley:
Loving Sister,
This is to let thee know that we have Received three letters from ye and three presents therein I sent thee no letters; I had not freedom Last winter was a year, I had a long time of sickness which brought me very low in body, and mind and now I am troubled with short breath so that I think I am going home softly. I thought it would Trouble Thee more to let thee know my condition Then send no letters.
I goes to meeting sometimes; we have a meeting every other fifth day a tour house, my husband grose weakly; the Lord who Lited our candled hath not put them out. Our children Remember their loves to you all. I have sente two presents to thee as a toacon of Love and Youenity. We donte know that thear heath bene any mischip done in the government as yet by the Indins, but dont know how soon thear may be for some is doubtfull thear my be before the truble some times be over. I desire thee to remember oure kind Loves to all oure neare Relations and freinds. We under Stand that oure brother John Grubb is desesed, but we have not Cartunty of it. I desire thee to let me know what is become of Peter Grubb's widow. Remember my Love to brother Henry Grubb in particular.So we ad no more at present but Remembering our kind Loves to thee and thy family the 28th of ye fifth month, 1758.
Richard Beeson
Charity Beeson
to tocens which i sente wa Love and Youenity
Acknowledgements: Thank you to Richard Brown for a copy of this letter. It was typewritten; obviously transcribed from the original. It is possible that a word or two were misread. The following letter is a response to Charity's letter above, published in "The Grubb Family" by Glibert Cope, 1893. Thank you to JoDell Koelling Steuver, daughter of Nixie Beason Koelling and gggggggrand-daughter of Charity Beeson.
Source 5: A letter to Charity from Phebe Hadley, her sister:
Ye 9th of ye 9th mo; 1758
West Bradford, Chester County
Loving Brother and Sister;
I received Your Letter this day, Dated ye 5th Month 1758, in which I had Great satisfaction to hear of You, Except that Impediment of Stopage in my Sister's Breath and my Brother's Weakness for which I am Ready to Sympathise With, Still hoping that Light, the Grace of God, my be your instructor Until it may Please Him to Call us Unto Himself Which is my Desire Both for you and myself, it Gives me Great Satisfaction to hear of your Keeping to meeting knowing by Experience the Benefit of Waiting Upon the Lord of help in this time of trouble. I have at this time no Child at home But I Acknowledge for myself on the Behalf of my children the Love My cousins has Remembered to us. The Present you have sent to me I Acknowlegde and hope to keep as a Sure token of friendship. My desire is that you may be Still kept from the Merciless hand of the Enemy (Indians)and Above the fear of them by trusting in the god of all strength. We have frequently heard of their doing Mischief in the Province.
According to Your desire I shall Let our Relations Know the Contents of your Letter as soon as Possible; the time being so short I have not as yet had no Opportunity But I shall be Carefull. Brother John Grubb is Certainly Deceased this Life he Died with the Gravel and Was decently Buried at Chichester in Friends Buring Ground, the Corps Accompanied by Brothers Emanuel, Samuel, Nathaniel and my self, With a great Company of Others. Brother John has set his two oldest Negroes free and the Rest to be set free at twenty five Years of age. Sister Hannah Grubb Lives at Wilmington & among her Children. I saw her Lately. She lives ExceedingWell full and Plenty. My Children and family is at Present in health asUsual and their families. My son Nathaniel and Isaac is out at Work atthe mason trade. Joseph is at John Wall's. John Wall, my son in Law hasa daughter about nine months old and Calls Her Name Charity.
Our Brothers is all in Good health Except our Living and Beloved BrotherSamuel' he is at this time in Kingwood in Hunterton County in West Jerseyor Was there Lately to be Cured of a Cancer in his Under lip which isVery Painfull. Brother Richard, I have heard Lately of Joseph Gregg andhis family they are in Reasonable Good health. I have heard nothing tothe Contray from thy Cousins by the River. So I Conclude StillRemembering that Love and Unity Which ought to subsist among Brethern andSisters in the fellowship of truth.
Please to Remember my Love to My Children and Grand Children by My Latehusband and to William Cox and his Wife Rachel Wright, With all OtherEnquiring friend. Do no Neglect Writing to me as often as Possible andthe Circumstance of Your Affairs and Condition if you please, Concerningthese Troublesome times. This from your sister Hadly.They had the following children:
F 1. Charity Beeson was born about 1715/1716. She died on 20 Sep 1809.
M 2. Benjamin Beeson was born in 1718 in , Guilford, North Carolina.
M 3. William Beeson was born on 11 Nov 1721 in New Garden, Guilford, North Carolina.
M 4. Isaac Beeson was born in 1723 in Randolph, Guilford, North Carolina.
M 5. Beeson was born in 1725 in Randolph, Guilford, North Carolina.
F 6. Pheby Beeson was born in 1727 in Randolph, Guilford, North Carolina.
F 7. Charity Beeson was born in 1729 in Randolph, Guilford, North Carolina.
260. William Ruddock was born in Deep River, Guilford, North Carolina. He died about 1751 in Conewago, York, Pennsylvania. He married Alice Garretson. [Parents]
1. Research of Rachel Sipes (joelle@impend.com); Ruddick FTM from Joelle to Michelle2.ged
261. Alice Garretson was born about 1692 in Deep River,Guilford,North Carolina.
Sources of Information:
1. Duncan Family.FTW; Indiana State Archives
2. Research of Rachel Sipes (joelle@impend.com); Ruddick FTM from Joelle to Michelle2.ged,They had the following child:
M 1. John Rudduck was born in May 1714. He died on 13 Oct 1787.
264. Tristan Thomas was born in 1665/1666 in Queen Anne's, Mos, England. He died on 11 Feb 1745/1746 in , Talbot, Maryland. He was buried on 11 Feb 1745. He married Judith Clayland in 1697/1698 in , , Maryland. [Parents]
Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: 8KML-12
265. Judith Clayland was born on 26 Dec 1674 in , Talbot, Maryland. She died in 1737 in , Talbot, Maryland. [Parents]
Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: HM34-68They had the following children:
F 1. Penelope Thomas was born on 9 Feb 1699.
F 2. Nancy Thomas was born about 1701.
F 3. Juliana Thomas was born on 20 Aug 1703 in , Talbot, Maryland. She died about 1745.
M 4. Stephen Thomas was born on 28 May 1705. He died on 7 Apr 1774.
M 5. Tristram Thomas was born about 1706. He died in May 1746.
F 6. Anne Thomas was born on 10 May 1708.
M 7. Simon Thomas was born on 10 Jul 1712. He died in 1744.
F 8. Sarah Thomas was born on 18 Feb 1714 in , Queen Annes, Maryland.
M 9. Philemon Thomas was born about 1716. He died in 1797.
M 10. William Thomas was born on 30 Nov 1717 in , Queen Annes, Maryland.
M 11. Benjamin Thomas was born on 10 Mar 1725.
F 12. Nancy Thomas was born in 1727.
266. Robert Clothier was born before 1680 in , Talbot, Maryland. He died before 26 Sep 1717 in , Talbot, Maryland. He married Jane Kemp before 1709 in , Talbot, Maryland. [Parents]
Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: 8KML-3D
2. Maryland Will Book, Talbot County Maryland
267. Jane Kemp was born about 1687 in Talbot county, Maryland. She died after 1723 in Talbot county, Maryland. [Parents]
Sources of Information:
1. Ancestral File Number: 8KML-4K
2. Maryland Will Book, Talbot County, MarylandThey had the following children: >br> M 1. Lewis Clothier was born about 1709 in , Talbot, Maryland.
F 2. Mary Clothier was born on 5 Jan 1710. She died on 6 Aug 1774.
M 3. Robert Clothier was born about 1711 in , Talbot, Maryland.
F 4. Elizabeth Clothier was born about 1715.
268. Francis Clark was born in 1676 in Hanover,Virginia. He died in 1769 in Louisa County.,Virginia. He was buried in Fork Church in Louisa County, Virginia. He married Cordelia Lankford in Nov 1704. [Parents]
Sources of Information:
1. Ancestry.com.
2. Research of Sharon PetersSource 2: Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia Will Books 1743-1801; W.B. 2, p. 75:
"Will of Francis Clark, the Elder. Sons Jos, Thos, Isaac, Francis,Christopher, John. Daus: Agnes Haley, Sarah Clark, Ursula Clark. To son Joseph Clark 200 acres whereon I live. To Isham Haley 100 acres adj. Joseph's , to dau. Agnes Haley 100 acres whereon she now lives. Mentions granddau. Cordelia Haley, dau. of Eliz. Haley. Land on Stoney Run in Hanover Co. to be sold by my Exors. and money given to my 5 sons. To grandson Francis Clark, son to John Clark 200 acres on head of Cross Creek. Exors: 3 sons: Jos. , Thos. & Isaac Clark. Dated 15 Jan 1769.Signed: Francis Clark. Wit: R. (Richard) Phillips, Jr., John Haley,Ambrose Crew. Rcd. 8 Jan. 1770."
Source 2: Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia Will Books 1743-1801; W.B. 2, p. 77:
"Bond of Isaac Clark exor. of est. of Francis Clark. Sec. Thos. Johnson Jr. Rch. Anderson. Amt. t 1000 Dated and rcd. 8 Jan 1770. Signed Isaac Clark. Thos. Johnson, Rich'd Anderson."Source 2: Abstracts of Louisa County, Virginia Will Books 1743-1801; W.B. 2, p. 108:
"Inventory of est. of Frances Clark. Dated 27 Jan 1770. Rcd. 1770. Amt. t591-14-3. Appraisers: Thos. Paulett. R. Phillips, Jr. Sworn to by Isaac Clark. Exoc."
269. Cordelia Lankford was born in 1682 in Hanover,Virginia. She died about 1760 in Louisa Co.,VA. She was buried in Fork Church,Louisa,Virginia.
Sources of Information:
1. Research of Sharon PetersThey had the following child:
M 1. Frances Clark was born about 1725. He died in Nov 1799.
270. Nicholas Stone was born in 1700 in Caroline,Virginia. He married Mary about 1721.
Sources of Information:
1. Research of Sharon Peters
271. Mary was born about 1700 in Caroline,Virginia. She died before 6 Jun 1767 in Caroline,Virginia.
Sources of Information:
1. Research of Sharon Peters
2. Ancestry.com.They had the following child:
F 1. Christina Stone was born in 1730. She died on 15 Feb 1794 or 1797.
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