Top Row: 1) William Henry Bishop and Margaret Catharine Teets; 2) Six of Elihu Mendenhall and Ora Elizabeth Mummy's 7 children, Eli, Maude and Ernest on back row, Eva and Leslie on second row with Marjorie standing in the front; 3) Margaret Catharine Teets Bishop at her 96th birthday; 4) Ora Elizabeth Mae Mummy Mendenhall Marshman and her family; 5) Marie Louise Augusta Jurgens;
Middle Row: 6) Adolph Jurgens; 7) Franz Johannas Heinrich Jurgens and his family; 8) Jesse Elmer Clark and Alta Pearl Bishop Clark on their daughter's wedding day; 9) (small insert) Jesse Elmer Clark; 10) George Edward Mendenhall Senior in his Marine uniform; 11) Peter Mummy and Margaret Hadley Mummy;
Bottom Row: 12) George Edward Mendenhall Senior with his brothers (George is standing on the top right); 13) George Edward Mendenhall Senior and his new bride Marie Louise Augusta Jurgens; 14) Ora Elizabeth Mae Mummy Mendenhall, with her daugher, Maude, and her mother, Margaret Hadley Mummy; 15) Ora Elizabeth Mae Mummy with her children.